Tuesday, August 21, 2007

week 9 - thing 20 - YouTube


I chose the video " Medieval Helpdesk" because it helps to put into perspective all that we are doing with this training. Everything is a new experience to be explored by people at one time or another. I learned in placing this on my blog that deleting tags to allow the HTML to be accepted was not the end of the world.
YouTube in itself can be very addicting, From a musical standpoint this is a classical and opera lovers delight. Elgar conducting Elgar! Thousand of hits on Maria Callas. Compare different opera singers in performance of the same song. You don't have to make a long listening commitment like you do with a CD or DVD. As Philip Kennicot states in the September issue of Gramophone, " We listen with curiousity, with a roving, meandering, self-directed interest...It is the world's greatest collection of musical footnotes." For me at least, that is the appeal of YouTube.
For the library, I see this as a possible learning platform and promotion of the library system and it's programs.

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